Includes a Message page, Fuel page, Navigation page, Direct To page, Flight Plan page, List page, Performance page, Menu page and VNAV page. Fms 35A Esc 1400Mm Cess 182/400/J3/1100 F6 Fox/Ask23/Asw28/Pt17/Hs123/Bee FMS-ESC-35A(150MM CABLE).Includes a 2D and 3D working UNS-1 gauges.Updateable database from a 3rd party such as Navigraph.Vertical identifiers are pre filled automatically with the current flight plan waypoints. FMS ESC-35A (150mm input cable) Brand: FMS Models / Product Code: FMS-ESC-35A (150mm input cable) Availability: Out Of Stock. And finally the FMS includes a VNAV option that allows the crew to define a desired vertical flight profile along the flight plan route which displays deviations. The flight plan menu can also store or delete flight plans or add departures and arrivals and even more. John Holmes of Holmes Hobbies takes a look at some popular ESCs he has experience. These give you more options like fuel unit types, passengers weight and fuel conversion tools. There are also menu pages for the flight plan and fuel pages. Using the LIST page you can quickly add airports, intersections, routes, airways and VOR’s by category that includes an identifier list based on your route or you can edit the flight plan manually by inputting an identifier. A flight plan page that displays the flight plan waypoints, ETA’s, altitudes, bearings and distances between waypoints and can be used to edit the flight plan. FMS 40A ESC (With 200mm length input cable) PRESC001 23.99. A Direct To page for altering the flight plan in a response to a DTO clearance. Click the button below to add the FMS ESC 35A (150mm input cable) to your wish list. Also includes holding patterns and heading modes with an option to intercept legs. A navigation page that displays From-To-Next waypoint data along with displaying distance and ETA with cross track and wind info. The fuel page displays passenger, cargo, zero fuel weight, gross weight and total weight in multiple units and displays fuel reserves for alternate routes. The Flysimware UNS-1 has a performance page, message popups alert system and a fuel page. IV 1300mah 25C FMS-Servo 9g-Positive Note: All of the parts are painted with no decal applied. This flight management system is a realistic simulation of the real world UNS-1 Universal FMS. FMS-ESC-35A (150mm input cable) FMS-Battery-ll. Overall with the Learjet 35A already a popular product this will be a must have expansion pack. The UNS-1 Universal flight management system expansion pack is for Flysimware’s Learjet 35A aircraft.